Friday, November 23, 2007

Notes 11-23-07

Happy late Thanksgiving everyone, I know it has been better than a month since my last entry but a lot has been going on. Just like everyone else, work has been crazy and keeps getting crazier. I am so glad that I have four days off from the nut house. I spent yesterday hanging out with family and playing Wii games with my cousins. I really love the holiday season, it give me a chance to see family members I don't get to see all the time.

I have been spending most of my evenings playing through Super Mairo Galaxy on the Wii. It is by far the best Mario game I have ever played. It really makes the Wii shine, and the game play is so much fun. I am not that far into the game, just about to finish up the first galaxy. My main concern about this game was the camera, but that was put to rest after playing the game for a few hours. The camera does a great job of being in the right place and the right time. I don't feel the need to adjust once I move onto a new area. I wish I could give more detail on the game, but I have not spent enough time with it to go any further.

Other than playing SMG, I have been playing a good bit of Guitar Hero III on the Wii. I picked this up for the heck of it, and it is a great game. I beat it on easy today, I know that sounds sad but my reflexes are not what they used to be. I am going to try going up in difficulty because this game really relaxes me after a hard day at work. Rock on.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Notes 10-21-07

Sorry for the long time between blogs, but I have been battling a little illness. Everything is going fine, so don't worry about me. I have a little reivew for you all today on Madden 08 for the Wii.

Madden '08 for the Wii is one incredible experience. I purchased this when I bought my Wii for $38 at Circuit City. I read a ton of reviews and forums to see if this game was any good. My main research revolved around the controller for the Wii. I wanted to know if it was easy to pick up and learn, and if the controls actually w0rked. After much research I decided to give it a try, and I am glad I did. The use of the Wii remote makes Madden '08 one of the best experiences I have had in gaming for awhile. Sure, the controls take some getting used to, but I found myself having a harder time getting the location of the buttons correct. I am used to playing with a PS2 controller, so it has taken me sometime to learn what buttons do what on the Wii.

Of course you use both the Wii remote and the Nun-Chuck for the game, but there is an option of using just the remote. I am not going to go into detail on what you have to due with the remote in game. The fact that you have to swing the Wii remote in order to pass the ball made playing the game much more exciting. I felt a great since of urgency in the passing game then I ever did on the PS2. I have only played one game thus far, but it was fun using different motions for different moves. It may not have the next gen graphics of the PS3 or 360, but the use of the Wii remote more than makes up for it.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Notes 10-5-07

I finally went out the other day and bought something with my b-day money, and a little extra I had saved up. I went next gen and bought a Wii.

My good friend has a Wii so it made the decision a little easier. Even though there are not many games for it know, the ones that are out are fun. The fact that you can play all the Game Cube games makes it nice. I only picked up a few Wii games, Madden '08, Wii Play, and Super Swing Golf. Madden '08 was a nice pick for $38 at Circuit City. Super Swing Golf was $25 at Wal-Mart, and of course Wii Play was $50. I have not had much time to play around with the games. I did manage to try a little Madden, and it was a blast. It will take some time to adjust to the controls since I am used to the PS2 system. The hardest part seems to be adjusting to the receiver buttons, but I am sure a little practice and I will get better.

Also managed to pick up some Game Cube games at Circuit City. I picked up a couple controllers and a memory card at Wal-Mart. As you can see I picked up about every Mario game for the Game Cube, except for a few that are hard to find. Hopefully I will have time to set down Sunday and play around with them.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Notes 10-2-07

Today is my 26th birthday, and it has been a blast. A couple people at work got me a cake, and then all the people that come in and eat sang to me. Then as I was eating lunch one of the other sites called, and they all sang to me. It really made be feel loved, and let me know that the people I work with are nice deep down.

I have received some money so far, but I have not decided what to buy yet. I am between a few different things. I am really just trying to figure out what I want more. I did pick up Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer today. Bought the special addition to see the deleted scenes.

I got an awesome cake on Saturday. My cousin that works at Dairy Queen made it for me. She picked out the design but only made the cake. Another person drew the design. She put all kinds of good stuff on the inside, like Reeses cups pieces, Snickers pieces, Oreo crumbs, fudge, and a few other things. It is one of the best cakes I have had a long time. As soon as I decide what to buy with my money I will post an update.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Notes 09-16-07

It has been three days since my teeth were pulled, and things are going good. I have a little pain, but nothing I can not handle. The bad thing is a couple blisters have formed near the back of my throat, and they are making things worst than they should be.

I spent most of yesterday playing Madden '07 and Hot Shots Tennis. I finally found a game save that had all the characters unlocked, so I spent some time playing around with each character. HST is not a bad game, though it took some time to figure out the correct way to serve the ball. I had a lot of fun playing doubles rather than single tournaments.

Other than playing games, I have been listening to a couple CD's I purchases off of the net. My favorite has to be the Grim Grimoire soundtrack, featuring music from the PS2 game. This soundtrack is just filled with great music, it makes me want to dive into the game.

The other soundtrack I got is the Netherworld Harmony Inauguration, which is a compilation of music from various NIS games. This soundtrack has some nice music, but it has not grabbed interest. The tracks are just arranged in a way that it is hard to get into it. There are just to many different types of music on it, to enjoy it.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Notes 9-13-07

In a few more hours I will be getting my wisdom teeth pulled. They are going to pull all four teeth, so I will be out of service for the rest of the day. I am looking forward to having them out, they have been bothering me for sometime know. I have plenty of movies to watch, and games to play while I am healing up.

I picked up Guilty Gear XX Accent Core yesterday. The Guilty Gear fighting games have always been a favorite of mine. I have not played it yet, but I plan on it this weekend. I will give a little review once I have a chance to play around with it. Well folks, time for me to go. I have to take a shower, and start getting ready to have my teeth removed.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Notes 9-01-07

The start of a three day weekend, spent most of the day doing awhole lot of nothing. Watched some Galaxy Angel AA, just a couple more episodes to go on disc 2. Played a little Madden '07, and some Wild Arms 5 that I picked up yesterday. Wild Arms 5 is a nice little RPG, it has me hooked a little bit. The western theme is nicely done, and the graphics are nice, nothing compared to games released by NIS or Atlus. The game play in interesting, because you really have to think about the placement of your characters compared to the enemies.

I found a new place to walk my girl Lina. It is this little dirt road that leads to a hunting cabin. I don't have to worry about other dogs bothering us, and I get to look at beautiful scenery along the way. My doctor wanted me to get more exercise, and I finally found a fun way of doing it. I just need to get a small dog to walk.

There are plenty of flowers along the path, such as this one. So I think I will start taking pictures of scenery around were I live, and post them here. There are plenty of things to take pictures of, and it will start my new hobby of photography. Well folks, until next time have a safe holiday weekend.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Notes 8-28-07

Tomorrow is hump day, and I cannot wait for the weekend. This weekend is great, because it is a three day weekend. I have been waiting for an extra day off for a long time. Work has become a little stressful lately, but nothing too serious. I just need some time away from it.

I go Thursday to have my wisdom teeth checked. I am going to get them pulled, I just don't know when yet. I am looking forward to having them out, they have been thumping for the past couple days. It will be nice to chew with out the pain behind it.

Onto more interesting things. I am trying to play through some of my PS2 games, but for some reason Madden 07 keeps calling me. Every time I think I am going to start playing one of the many games I have to finish, I go right to back to Madden. I believe it is because I can get a quick escape from the real world without committing a bunch of time to a game. There are a bunch of RPG's that I have to play, and a few more on the horizon that will join them in the "should be playing" stack. I will have the winter to catch up on my gaming, the cold months leave little to do outside.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Notes 8-19-07

What a fun weekend it has been. It was nice to get away from the craziness and be able to relax. I got to see The Simpsons Movie, and I have to say I was a little disappointed. It had a nice story, but it all felt a little rushed to me. I have a feeling the DVD will have a lot of extras and deleted scenes so FOX can milk the fans for more money. The movie did have its funny moments that had me holding my stomach afterwards, but there was just something missing. The next movie on my list is Beans Holiday that is going to be a great one to see.

My friend and I did venture up to Washington PA. We didn't have a lot to do, so we took a little road trip. It was only 45 minutes away from where he lived, so it was a nice drive just to see something different. We drove around to some of the shopping centers to see what stores they had, and we did find some that were not in our area. We ran across a CD Warehouse, I have not been to one since I lived in North Carolina. They didn't have much, but it was nice to look around. It was not until we were on our way back that we found out the location of the mall. Another trip is planned for the next time we get together.

Other than the road trip and the movie we played some Day of Defeat, and DoD Source. It took me sometime, but I was really rockin last night playing DoD Source. We were playing a nice server with a bunch of great people. Most of the times we play on a server, the clan members get on to you for shooting them. They group we played against last night were just awesome; it was nice to play against people who had some respect for you. I wish I had a high speed connection; I could play on that server all the time.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Notes 8-17-07

Sorry about the lack of an update. I am spending the weekend with a friend, so don't look for much this weekend. We are going to go see The Simpson's movies tomorrow, and play some Day of Defeat Source. Work has been crazy as usual, but next week I will be in charge of the entire operation. My boss is going on vacation. That is all for today.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Notes 8-11-07

It has been one heck of a couple weeks at work. I was so glad yesterday was Friday, and I got to take off early because my boss came in late. I spent the evening at a friends house, just relaxing and eating fried chicken. It was nice just to get away for awhile. I will probably spend today mowing grass and playing video games. I have some friends who are suppose to come in from out of town, so I may visit with them today as well.

Next week is going to be awesome, there are a couple games coming out for the PS2. First up Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Special Edition comes out on Wednesday after a three week delay. They had a problem with the binding on the art books, and sent them back to be redone. I have no previous experience with the Persona games, but it just looks interesting to me. The entire concept of summoning different persona's to fight off demons sounds cool, and the way you can level up your persona's through interaction with different characters is intriguing.

Second we have the latest installment of Madden. I have been buying Madden games since 97. I have told myself in the past that I would wait until the game drops in price, but I always end up picking it up sometime during the week. I have high hopes that EA did some updating to the game this year, and it sounds like they did. The introduction of gang tackling is what really interests me. I just hope they did it right, because that would be great to have a couple guys take down a running back together. I am going to try and wait for the reviews to come out, I really don't want to spend $50 on a roster update.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


This is my new home. I was on 1up for along time, but have decided to move here after a friend did the same thing. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with this one a little better than 1up. I won't have to worry about this being all about video games. I will be posting about things in my daily life, as well as things I find interesting. Later people.