Friday, November 23, 2007

Notes 11-23-07

Happy late Thanksgiving everyone, I know it has been better than a month since my last entry but a lot has been going on. Just like everyone else, work has been crazy and keeps getting crazier. I am so glad that I have four days off from the nut house. I spent yesterday hanging out with family and playing Wii games with my cousins. I really love the holiday season, it give me a chance to see family members I don't get to see all the time.

I have been spending most of my evenings playing through Super Mairo Galaxy on the Wii. It is by far the best Mario game I have ever played. It really makes the Wii shine, and the game play is so much fun. I am not that far into the game, just about to finish up the first galaxy. My main concern about this game was the camera, but that was put to rest after playing the game for a few hours. The camera does a great job of being in the right place and the right time. I don't feel the need to adjust once I move onto a new area. I wish I could give more detail on the game, but I have not spent enough time with it to go any further.

Other than playing SMG, I have been playing a good bit of Guitar Hero III on the Wii. I picked this up for the heck of it, and it is a great game. I beat it on easy today, I know that sounds sad but my reflexes are not what they used to be. I am going to try going up in difficulty because this game really relaxes me after a hard day at work. Rock on.